Teaching Your French Brittany a Motivational Retrieve

French Brittanys are well-known for their intelligence, energy, and eagerness to please, which makes them excellent candidates for learning retrieving skills. Whether for hunting or just fun playtime, teaching your French Brittany a motivational retrieve can be both rewarding and enjoyable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.


Understanding the Motivational Retrieve

A motivational retrieve focuses on making the act of retrieving an exciting and rewarding activity for your dog. Unlike a basic fetch game, it incorporates positive reinforcement and structured training to ensure your French Brittany is enthusiastic and precise in bringing back the object.


Step 1: Choose the Right Object

Start with an object that is easy for your dog to carry and is safe for their mouth. Popular choices include:


  • Soft toys
  • Bumpers
  • Tennis balls

Make sure the object is something your French Brittany finds interesting and motivating.


Step 2: Establish a Release Command

Before diving into retrieves, teach your dog a solid release command. This ensures they know when to let go of the object. Use a specific word like “drop” or “release.” Practice this by giving them the object, gently holding it, and saying your release command while offering a treat in exchange. Reward them as soon as they let go.


Step 3: Introduce the Fetch Command

Now it’s time to introduce the fetch command. Start by showing your dog the object and tossing it a short distance. Use an enthusiastic tone to say “fetch” or “retrieve.” When your dog picks up the object, praise them excitedly and encourage them to return to you.


Step 4: Positive Reinforcement

When your dog returns with the object, use your release command, and immediately reward them with treats and praise. Positive reinforcement helps your French Brittany associate retrieving with pleasant outcomes, increasing their motivation.


Step 5: Gradual Distance Increase

As your dog becomes more confident, gradually increase the distance you throw the object. Make sure to continue using the same commands and praising them for a successful retrieve. Patience is key—if your dog struggles, reduce the distance until they are comfortable again.


Step 6: Add Variety

Introduce different objects and environments to keep the training sessions exciting. Varying the objects and locations helps generalize the behavior so your dog can retrieve in various settings.


Step 7: Practice Consistently

Consistency is crucial. Regular practice sessions will reinforce the behavior and improve your dog’s skills. Keep training sessions short and fun to maintain their interest and enthusiasm.


Step 8: Addressing Challenges

If your French Brittany loses interest or becomes distracted, try using higher-value rewards or returning to shorter throws. Be patient and never force your dog to retrieve if they are unwilling.


Advanced Tips

  • Use a Clicker: Incorporating clicker training can provide clear signals to your dog and enhance learning.
  • Hunt Training: For hunting purposes, introduce scents and more complex retrieval tasks, such as retrieving from water or dense cover.
  • Pair with Other Commands: Combine retrieves with other commands like “sit” or “stay” to create a more comprehensive training routine.


Training your French Brittany for a motivational retrieve is a fantastic way to bond with your dog and fulfill their natural retrieving instincts. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can transform this training into an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. Happy retrieving!