Loose leash walking

When we talk about dogs on leash there are two different types of walking we teach. Heeling is a focused way of going, the dog paying strict attention to the handler and not moving out of position at all. This includes an automatic sit when we stop, U-turns, about turns etc. Heeling is done on the left side.

That takes a lot of mental energy for me and for the dog and is reserved for competition or times when it is necessary for safety.

Outside of that walking on leash to me means walk on a loose leash. Don’t play tug-o-war. The dog can be a little ahead or a little behind, heck they can be on the left or the right side. It should be relaxing for both of us and never conflict.

It’s so easy even kids can do it. Ideally we have taught a recall like yesterdays video showed, and ideally we are dealing with a puppy that wants to be with us. Then we simply go for a walk. IF the puppy pulls in any direction, we simply stop and wait for the puppy to figure out how to release that tension. We don’t yank them or pull them around, we simply let them figure out that staying near us is the way to enjoy a walk. Start them early and start them right. This will work for older dogs as well, and even dogs with some leash problems but it takes so much longer for them and I don’t have that kind of patience. We will introduce those ideas later or you can head over to the academy for this and other great videos.