You simply must download and read the book “After you get your puppy” from this link:
It is 100% Free and really is some of the most critical information you can read about starting off on the right foot. It really has the power to make or break your puppy for life written from a standpoint of science. Do you know what the number one cause of Canine Euthanasia is in America? Simply not having the dog properly housetrained. That will lead to other problems which eventually lead to Shelter Surrender and death for a puppy usually before age 8 months old! Do you know it is easy to housetrain puppies without having any mistakes at all? This book will show you how for free!!! You owe it to your dog to read and apply this material to set you both up for a happy life the next 10-12 years.
Also everyone is always asking about good dog training videos. Here are some of the best dog training videos I know of that are free
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