I was out dove hunting with a friend this season and working a line to the north when a car drove past us on a dirt road, stopped about 50 yards ahead, parked and jumped out and starting hunting right in front of us heading where we were going. I was livid. I caught up and found two young men whose story was they had already been hunting that piece and just went to take their birds back home and came out to resume their hunt. I tried to explain that wasn’t cool at all and tried to educate them on being better sportsman. They refused to learn and grow and it was really hard not to let my anger get the best of me and escalate the lesson until they learned. Especially when they had parked their car right in the middle of the road almost next to where I was standing. You see at first I thought they just didn’t have a dad or uncle or grandpa or mom or anyone else to teach them better manners and better sportsmanship. But after talking with them for a bit it was clear someone may have tried, they just weren’t interested in learning manners and sportsmanship and to them shooting another dove when they had already shot plenty meant more to them than safety, sportsmanship or manners.
I was working a public land parcel heading north with a friend and two dogs. I saw two people coming from the east to the west with one dog. I then wondered are they really going to just cut across our line? They just keep coming. Right when they got in front of us they did a 90 degree turn and took our line heading the direction we were going just 100 feet in front of us. I was stunned. I really couldn’t believe it. 25 yards later they put up a rooster, shot it, retrieved it and then resumed a line heading west. It was the only bird I even saw that day. They never said a word even though they were within earshot. They just continued on as though they hadn’t done anything wrong.
Lastly at these public land areas I have been pheasant hunting this season, there is some idiot out there who keeps breasting out his birds and leaving the carcasses right in the parking lot. It makes me so angry I have no kind words left. This idiot whoever they are, is creating a dog owners nightmare. Those birds are right there where any dog can wolf them down as they jump out of the truck and have the risk of obstructions, perforations etc. It also teaches a good dog the worst habit. See the inside of a bird doesn’t smell or taste like the outside of a bird and once a good dog learns this they often start opening up and eating birds on their own in the field. It is horrible! Also they are leaving behind half of the good meat when they leave the leg quarters there to waste. Man I want to find out who this and first try to educate them how it harms other sportsman and second how it is wasteful and third how it is just plain stupid! Then I want to escalate my behavior to the point they never do it again! But alas that isn’t the answer. Education might be. It might be that this person really doesn’t know better, it may be they are jerks and don’t care. But for others reading this, it is no big deal to dress your birds at home, save feathers for your fly tying friends or local crafters and dispose of the birds in a tied bag so they don’t make your garbage can stink. If you want predators to eat the carcasses, why would you attract predators to the area you are hunting? Throw the carcass’s somewhere you may want to hunt predators instead and where game is not at risk. Whoever you are just stop it!
Back in the late 90’s I loved watching a group leave a field, then going and working the same field they had just worked because I believed my dog was better and would find birds they missed. Most of the time I was right and it was so satisfying. I never crowded in on anyone else’s hunt or where they were working or heading. Back then there were plenty of birds and plenty of land it just didn’t matter. You could simply go a bit further and still have a great experience.
But land, birds and opportunity are dwindling quickly and the number of hunters we have in the field is growing almost exponentially. Safety concerns are growing, cooperation is starting to fail. Selfishness often prevails and Fear of missing out guides decision making for a lot of people. I remind myself all the time, I am hunting public land and all the public has the same right to be there.
One of my training areas is near an ATV/dirt bike trail and when I am setting birds and working dogs I try to stay out of their way for safety, courtesy and effectiveness of the dog work. If I got there first and set up and someone comes along, I let them know what I am trying to accomplish where I might be shooting etc, and may ask them to avoid certain areas so they don’t flush a bird or get downrange of my muzzle. But you know what? It is public land and they can choose to be jerks and rip through the same area if they want to, they have the legal right and I try to keep that in mind when I choose to use an area like that and when I meet a few jerks I try to remember they have a right to be a jerk. I just hope they won’t be.
But the hunting community is just that it is a community. We should watch out for each other, be courteous to each other even helpful to each other. It is our responsibility, it should be our morality and ethical behavior with each other, but remember there is the law, and there is doing what is right or wrong whether or not is legal/illegal.
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