The French Brittany breed is known for its intelligence, high energy, and friendly nature. These qualities make them excellent companions, but they also require consistent and effective training to ensure well-behaved dogs. Dr. Ian Dunbar, a renowned expert in animal behavior, has pioneered an approach called “lure reward training” that has proven to be highly effective in training French Brittany puppies. In this article, we will explore the benefits of lure reward training, how it works, and provide practical tips on applying the training in different scenarios.

Understanding the Concept of Lure Reward Training

Lure reward training is a positive reinforcement training technique that involves using treats or toys as a lure to guide your dog into performing a desired behavior. Once the dog performs the action, they are rewarded with the treat or toy, reinforcing the behavior. This method encourages dogs to learn new behaviors through motivation and rewards rather than force or punishment.

Benefits of Lure Reward Training

Lure reward training offers several benefits, particularly for French Brittany puppies:

  1. Builds a strong bond: The positive reinforcement approach strengthens the bond between the owner and the puppy, creating a trusting relationship.
  2. Encourages voluntary learning: Dogs learn new behaviors willingly and enjoy the process, making the training more effective and long-lasting.
  3. Promotes good manners: Lure reward training helps to instill desirable behaviors and manners in your French Brittany puppy, making them pleasant companions.
  4. Adaptable to various scenarios: The technique can be applied to teach basic obedience commands, socialization, and even advanced tricks.

The Role of Positive Reinforcements

Positive reinforcements play a crucial role in lure reward training. They encourage dogs to learn new behaviors by rewarding them for their efforts. Examples of positive reinforcements include treats, praise, and toys. It is essential to choose a reward that your French Brittany puppy finds motivating and gradually phase out the rewards as they become proficient in the behavior.

Applying Lure Reward Training with French Brittany Puppies

Here are some practical tips on how to apply lure reward training in different scenarios:

  1. Basic commands: Use a treat or toy to guide your puppy into a desired position, such as sitting or lying down. Once they perform the action, reward them immediately.
  2. Socialization: Expose your French Brittany puppy to various environments, people, and other animals. Reward them for positive interactions and remaining calm in new situations.
  3. Leash training: Encourage your puppy to walk beside you by luring them with a treat or toy. Reward them for maintaining a loose leash and walking at your pace.
  4. Advanced tricks: Teach advanced tricks, such as rolling over or playing dead, by breaking the trick into smaller steps and rewarding your puppy as they progress.

Warning Signs to Watch Out For

While lure reward training is generally safe and effective, it is essential to watch out for warning signs that may indicate issues:

  1. Over-dependence on rewards: If your puppy becomes too reliant on rewards, phase out the treats gradually and replace them with praise or affection.
  2. Stress or frustration: If your French Brittany puppy shows signs of stress or frustration during training, take a break and try again later. Ensure that the training sessions are short, fun, and engaging.

Resources for Further Learning

To further your understanding of lure reward training and Dr. Ian Dunbar’s approach, consider exploring these resources:

  1. Books by Dr. Ian Dunbar, such as “Before and After Getting Your Puppy” and “How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks.”
  2. Online courses and seminars offered by Dr. Dunbar on his website,
  3. Consult with local trainers or breeders experienced in lure reward training for French Brittany puppies.

In conclusion, lure reward training offers a highly effective and enjoyable way to train your French Brittany puppy. By understanding the benefits of this approach and applying it consistently, you can unlock your puppy’s full potential and develop a well-behaved, happy, and confident companion.